MACH Consultants Publications



Organization Development Journal

El Haddad, P., Kuran, O. (2022), “Generic Aspects of Performance Improvement: Comparative Case Studies in Lebanon”, Organization Development Journal, in print, International Society for Organizational Development and Change, Colorado, US. 

El Haddad, P., Bonnet, M. (2020), “From Agile Leader to Agile Leadership: an International Company in the Middle East”, Organization Development Journal, in print, International Society for Organizational Development and Change, Colorado, US. 

EMS Management et Société

El Haddad, P., Barazi, R. (2021), “The Socio-Economic Drive to Transformation from Non- Governmental Organization to Social Enterprise”, in Savall, H, & Zardet, V . (Eds.), Traité du Management Socio-économique, EMS Management et Société: Caen. ISBN: 978-2-37687-470-6. 

El Haddad, P. (2020), “Le Manuel de ce qu’il Faut Faire et Ne Pas Faire pour Réussir la Coopération des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales”. In Savall, H, & Zardet, V. (Eds.), Tétranormalisation : Profusion des Normes et Développement des Entreprises (307-311). EMS: Caen. ISBN: 978-2-37687-411-9. 

El Haddad, P. (2020), “La relation entre les Dysfonctionnements Internes et la Coopération entre des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales”. In Savall, H, & Zardet, V. (Eds.), Tétranormalisation : Profusion des Normes et Développement des Entreprises (324-328). EMS: Caen. ISBN: 978-2-37687-411-9.

international journal of islamic and middle eastern finance and management

International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management

El Haddad, P., Bachkirov, A.A., Grishina, O. (2020), “Comparative CSR Decision Making in the Middle East: An Exploratory Study”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, in-print. Emerald. 

Recherche en Sciences de Gestion, ISEOR

El Haddad, P., Auffret, J. P., Grishina, O. (2020), “Public Administration Reform in Lebanon from the Leadership Perspective”, Recherche en Sciences de Gestion, 138/2020, ISEOR, Ecully, France. 

questions de management EMS edition

Question(s) de management

El Haddad, P. (2020). “La Grave Primauté de l’Efficience et ses coûts cachés”. In Frimousse, S., & Peretti, J. (Eds.) “Les répercussions durables de la crise sur le management”.Question (s) De Management, (2), 159-243. 

Journal of Organizational Change Management

El Haddad, P., Bonnet, M., Tabchoury, P. (2017), “Transforming Hidden Conflicts into Participation: The Case of a Charismatic Leadership in the Middle East”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, in print, Emerald.

academy of management logo

Academy of Management Annual Meeting

El Haddad, P., Bousquet, C., Richa, R. (2021), “Challenges of a transitional Leadership in a Morphing Organization”, (to be presented at and recipient of the Benedictine University Scholar-Practitioner Award) AOM Annual Conference, Online. 

El Haddad, P., Bassil, D. Zardet, V., Petit, R. (2021), “Storytelling for Non-Profits: How Do the Socio- Economic Approach Recount the Organization”, (to be presented at and recipient of the University- Enterprise Cooperation Award) AOM Annual Conference, Online. 

El Haddad, P., Zardet, V., (2020), “What Not To Do and What To Do in NGO Cooperation: Snapshot From the Field”, AOM Annual Conference, Online.

El Haddad, P., Richa, R., Nehme, M., Lhermitte, M. (2020), “Comparable Consulting Results in Non- Comparable Organizations”, AOM Annual Conference, Online. 

El Haddad, P., (2019), “Systemic Complacency and Organizational Performance from the Management Consulting Perspective”, AOM Sponsored PDW, AOM Annual Conference, Boston.

El Haddad, P., Kuran, O. (2018), “Exploring Generic Aspects of Performance Improvement: Comparative Case Studies in Lebanon”, AOM Annual Conference, Chicago. 

Smith, W., Hillon, Y.C., El Haddad, P. (2018), “Measuring the Impact on Well-Being: An Enterprise Level Interaction of Business and Society”, AOM Annual Conference, Chicago. 

El Haddad, P., Bonnet, M., Tabchoury, P. (2017), “The Socioeconomic Approach to Management: Methodological Positioning”, AOM Annual Conference, Atlanta, US. 

ISEOR/Jean Moulin University/AOM MC/ISODC/CNAM International Conference and Doctoral Consortium

El Haddad, P., Moore, J. (2021), “The Rapprochement of the For-profit and Non-profit Models: Moving Towards a Universal Socio-economic Performance Model.”, ISEOR/Jean Moulin University/AOM MC/ISODC/CNAM International Conference and Doctoral Consortium, Lyon, France. 

El Haddad, P., Khoury, G. (2021), “Disentangling dysfunctions in the supply chain: Import of agriculture nutrients to Lebanon”, ISEOR/Jean Moulin University/AOM MC/ISODC/CNAM International Conference and Doctoral Consortium, Lyon, France. 

Sabbagh, L., El Haddad, P. (2019), “Contextualizing CSR Motivations to Healthcare Organizations in Lebanon and Socially Responsible Decision-Making”, ISEOR/Jean Moulin University/AOM MC 8th International Conference and Doctoral Consortium, Lyon, France. 

Nameh, N., El Haddad, P. (2019), “Improving the Performance of the Emergency Department using a Socio-Economic Approach to Management”, ISEOR/Jean Moulin University/AOM MC 8th International Conference and Doctoral Consortium, Lyon, France. 

the seam institute logo

The SEAM Institute

El Haddad, P., Zardet, V., (2019), “Conviviality and Procedure in a Middle Eastern NGO: An Explosive Mix”, Annual SEAM US Conference, SEAM Institute, Minnesota. 

El Haddad, P., Zardet, V., (2019), “Leadership Challenges in a Morphing Organization: Consulting for the Market Leader”, Annual SEAM US Conference, SEAM Institute, Minnesota. 

Academy of Management, Management Consulting Division

Academy of Management, Management Consulting Division

Hillon, M.E., El Haddad P. (2018), “Situating the Complex Object of Intervention Research”, AOM ODC MC Division conference, Lyon. 

Hillon, Y.C., Hillon, M.E., El Haddad, P. (2018), “Kurt Lewin’s Action-Research”, AOM ODC MC Division conference, Lyon. 

The 2016 ADERSE Conference, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, Lyon, France

Menassa, E., Brodhäcker, M., El Haddad, P. (2016), “Social Responsibility Disclosures and Gender Board Composition: The German ‘Universal’ Banks Case”, The 2016 ADERSE Conference, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, Lyon, France.