Alexandra Blog


Alexandra Blog

Alexandra works to improve people’s lives, liberate their potential, and guide them into prosperity, sustainability, and harmony, with concern for the individual as a fundamental value.

Alexandra strives to construe collective intelligence through thoughtful dissent, respectful dialogue, and intellectual humility.
Alexandra summons your thoughts addressing issues in the enterprise, society, the natural environment, and public affairs.

Alexandra says “tell me how to build better businesses and better societies, how to preserve land, sea, water, and air. Tell me how to nurture the individual, the abled, and the differently-abled, how to empower women, youth, and the least privileged, how to promote democracy, and how to hold people accountable for their acts and choices. Tell me how to bring power closer to people; how to promote localism.”

Alexandra appreciates courage, respect, and brevity; courage in the expression of deep convictions; respect in addressing the other; and brevity of disclosure.

Alexandra invites you to share your thoughts in short texts of 50-250 words including the title and links to photos, biographies, and publications.

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